About Me

Web Developer And Mobile Application Developer.

Me Anjan यो नेपाली शिर उचाली संसारमा लम्कन्छ !! I am from the Himalayan Country of Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal). I love to be a Nepali web /software developer.Well talking about me, I like mostly Android programming,software development,Web programming and Designing and furthermore I like Philosophical literature, Photography, Social networking. And I am Romantic and Sentimental person to some extent. I am Anjan Kumar K.C.(अन्जन कुमार के. सी.)and I recently graduated from KIT College of Engineering with a Diploma of Engineering (Computer).I did my Diploma in computer systems, and it gave me experience from servers to software development. I am interested in Software/Mobile Apps Development, Graphics Designing, Web Designing/Development, Friendship Social Service and helps for helpless. I simply love my treasure of invaluable and great friends, who are/were always there with me, they make me feel super privileged. my passion is to live this colorful life to the full like there is no tomorrow and once I am all set, I have determination to get everything I wish for, anyhow.I Belive in Team Work ? Come together, Keep together, Work together and Lets SUCCESS together. This is a LIFE indeed.. NJY!More details on my research and work experience can be found in my CV [PDF]..

Brithday 25 Nov1997
Call +9779866904450
Email [email protected]
Website www.anjankumarkc.com.np
Download CV Hire Me

My Skill

We are young and very energetic entrepreneur in Nepal came from diversified background such as IT (Technological Expert), CA (Law and Tax Expert), and Banking (Best customer services and relation expert). We always striving for grow our business through best customer service and quality products, our notion is customer satisfaction is our business success. Hence, we want long term business relationship, we want to serve you always, your success is our success.

Mobile Application Development
Wordpress Design
Dot Net

My Services

What i offer

Domain Registration And Hosting

We provides domain registration and reliable web hosting service with 99.9% uptime.

Website Design And Development

We provide best quality web design and development services including domain registration and hosting services.

Mobile Application Development

We work on functional mobile app projects of all sizes and create visual, motion and interactive design experience across platforms and devices.

Web Development

We provide best quality web design and development services including domain registration and hosting services.

Software Development

We develop the multi platform Application and Software, Web Application Desktop and Mobile Application

SEO Marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search


Happy Clients


Projects Done


Awards Won


Cups Tea

My Portfolio

What i do
  • All
  • Website
  • Application
  • Photography
  • BE_Computer_Note
  • BE_IT_Note
  • BE_CIVIL_Note
  • Diploma_Note

My Experience

My Recent Experiences
Apr 2015 - Mar 2016
Software Engineer

We develop the multi platform Application and Software, Web Application Desktop and Mobile Application.

Apr 2016 - Mar 2017
Web Developer

I recently graduated We provide best quality web design and development services including domain registration and hosting services.

Apr 2017 - Present
Mobile Application Development

We work on functional mobile app projects of all sizes and create visual, motion and interactive design experience across platforms and devices.

My Blog

Latest blog

TITLE WAP to input a string from keyboard and convert it to lowercase and display in clear screen with red on white





   ;Variables Defines

   paralst label byte

   maxlen db 50

   actlen db ?

   str1 db 50 dup ('$')

   lstr db 50 dup ('$')

   msg1 db 'Enter String You Wanted to Convert Lowercase : $'

   msg2 db 'Your lower Case String is : $'  




    main proc

    ; data segment initilized

    mov ax,@data

    mov ds,ax


    ;clear screen

    mov ah,06h

    mov al,00h

    mov bh,74h

    mov cx,0000h

    mov dx,184fh

    int 10h


    ; cursor set

    mov ah,02h

    mov bh,00h

    mov dh,8

    mov dl,1 

    int 10h


    ; display msg to input

     mov ah,09h

     lea dx,msg1

     int 21h 




     ;input string from keyboard

     mov ah,0ah

     lea dx,paralst

     int 21h



     ; convert Lower case


     mov cx,50

     lea si, str1

     lea di, lstr


up: mov al,[si]

     cmp al, 'A'

     jb down

     cmp al, 'Z'

     ja down

     add al,20H


 down: mov [di],al

       inc si

       inc di

       loop up 



  ; newline 

     mov ah,02h

     mov dx,13

     int 21h

     mov dx,10

     int 21h     



    ;display msg2

    lea dx,msg2

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h


    ; display Lowercae string

    mov ah,09h

    lea dx,lstr

    int 21h



    mov ax,4c00h

    int 21h

    main endp

    end main







 TITLE WAP to input a string from keyboard and convert it to Uppercase and display in clear screen with blue on red





   ;Variables Defines

   paralst label byte

   maxlen db 50

   actlen db ?

   str1 db 50 dup ('$')

   ustr db 50 dup ('$')

   msg1 db 'Enter String You Wanted to Convert Uppeecase : $'

   msg2 db 'Your Uppper Case String is : $'  




    main proc

    ; data segment initilized

    mov ax,@data

    mov ds,ax


    ;clear screen

    mov ah,06h

    mov al,00h

    mov bh,41h

    mov cx,0000h

    mov dx,184fh

    int 10h


    ; cursor set

    mov ah,02h

    mov bh,00h

    mov dh,8

    mov dl,1 

    int 10h


    ; display msg to input

     mov ah,09h

     lea dx,msg1

     int 21h 




     ;input string from keyboard

     mov ah,0ah

     lea dx,paralst

     int 21h



     ; convert Upper case


     mov cx,50

     lea si, str1

     lea di, ustr


up: mov al,[si]

     cmp al, 'a'

     jb down

     cmp al, 'z'

     ja down

     sub al,20H


 down: mov [di],al

       inc si

       inc di

       loop up 



  ; newline 

     mov ah,02h

     mov dx,13

     int 21h

     mov dx,10

     int 21h     



    ;display msg2

    lea dx,msg2

    mov ah,09h

    int 21h



    mov ah,09h

    lea dx,ustr

    int 21h



    mov ax,4c00h

    int 21h

    main endp

    end main








Computer Engineering Complete Note of Pokhara University (PU)

Course Structure

Year I

Semester I

Semester II

Course Description


Course Description



Engineering Mathematics II

Communication Technique


Programming in C

Engineering Drawing

Basic Electrical Engineering

Object Oriented Programming in C++

Mechanical Workshop

Thermal Science

Engineering Mathematics I

Applied Mechanics

Year 2

Semester III

Semester IV

Course Description


Course Description


Engineering Mathematics III

Engineering Mathematics IV

Data Structure and Algorithm


Electrical Engineering Materials

Database Management System

Network Theory

Advanced Programming Technology


Electronic Devices & Circuits


Logic Circuits

Project I

Year 3

Semester V

Semester VI

Course Description


Course Description


Numerical Methods


Embedded System


Probability and Statistics

Simulation and Modeling

Operating System

Data Communication


Computer Graphics

Object Oriented Software Engineering


Computer Architecture

Minor Project


Theory of Computation


Elective I

Year 4

Semester VII

Semester VIII

Course Description


Course Description


Engineering Economics

Organization and Management

Image Processing & Pattern Recognition

Digital Signal Analysis & Processing


Artifcial Intelligence

Social and Professional Issues in IT


Computer Network

Information Systems


ICT Project Management

Final Project


Elective II


Elective III



• Data Mining 

• Natural Language Processing

• Advance Web Technology 

 • Advance IP switching and Routing

• Mobile Application Development 

 • Big Data



Contact Me

Contact With Me

I am from the Himalayan Country of Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal). I love to be a Nepali web /software developer. I recently graduated from KIT College of Engineering with a Diploma of Engineering (Computer).I did my Diploma in computer systems, and it gave me experience from servers to software development.