WAP to input a string from keyboard and convert it to Uppercase and display in clear screen with blue on red
TITLE WAP to input a string from keyboard and convert it to Uppercase and display in clear screen with blue on red
;Variables Defines
paralst label byte
maxlen db 50
actlen db ?
str1 db 50 dup ('$')
ustr db 50 dup ('$')
msg1 db 'Enter String You Wanted to Convert Uppeecase : $'
msg2 db 'Your Uppper Case String is : $'
main proc
; data segment initilized
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
;clear screen
mov ah,06h
mov al,00h
mov bh,41h
mov cx,0000h
mov dx,184fh
int 10h
; cursor set
mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
mov dh,8
mov dl,1
int 10h
; display msg to input
mov ah,09h
lea dx,msg1
int 21h
;input string from keyboard
mov ah,0ah
lea dx,paralst
int 21h
; convert Upper case
mov cx,50
lea si, str1
lea di, ustr
up: mov al,[si]
cmp al, 'a'
jb down
cmp al, 'z'
ja down
sub al,20H
down: mov [di],al
inc si
inc di
loop up
; newline
mov ah,02h
mov dx,13
int 21h
mov dx,10
int 21h
;display msg2
lea dx,msg2
mov ah,09h
int 21h
mov ah,09h
lea dx,ustr
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
main endp
end main
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